Implementasi Pendekatan STEAM dalam Pembelajaran Matematika untuk Menyongsong Era Society 5.0
STEAM approach, mathematics learning, society 5.0Abstract
This study aims to find out that the STEAM approach to learning mathematics can train students in higher-order thinking, practice communication, and collaboration, think critically in solving problems and develop creativity so that students are ready to welcome the era of society 5.0. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using the literature study method through relevant sources. (Iim Halimatul Mu'minah, 2021). In learning mathematics, creativity and problem-solving in completing a project are very important. As time goes by, learning mathematics applies a very varied learning model, including the STEAM model. STEAM is a learning approach as a means for students to create ideas or ideas based on science and technology through thinking and exploring activities in solving problems based on five integrated disciplines. In this STEAM research, there are 3 levels. The division of this level can be interpreted that STEAM learning is not very different from project-based learning (Project Based Learning), but differs in the content of the disciplines it applies to. Some examples of the implementation of STEAM in mathematics include the materials for building space, social arithmetic, opportunities, and so on. Where this level becomes a new benchmark so that students' knowledge becomes wider in facing the challenges of globalization in the future. It can be concluded that the STEAM approach can improve the abilities and skills of students, as evidenced by the existence of several levels that have become a benchmark for the development of students in learning mathematics.
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