Pemerolehan Bahasa Anak Speech delay di KBI Usamah Kota Tegal


  • Uswatun Fadilah UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


Pemerolehan Bahasa, Speech Delay


In social life, language is a tool that humans use to communicate and interact with one another. Language is acquired naturally by each individual and develops over time. Children's language acquisition is a process that individuals go through in an effort to master a language, starting from saying simple words to composing sentences that are obtained without going through formal learning activities. The purpose of writing this article is to analyze the scope from which children with speech delays acquire their language other than in the school sphere. The method used in this research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection was obtained through observations and interviews. The results of the research obtained are that children acquire language other than in the school environment, namely through therapy activities carried out 1-2 times a week, the use of gadgets via YouTube social media and food that can stimulate children's mouth movements.  In social life, language is a tool that humans use to communicate and interact with one another. Language is acquired naturally by each individual and develops over time. Children's language acquisition is a process that individuals go through in an effort to master a language, starting from saying simple words to composing sentences that are obtained without going through formal learning activities. The purpose of writing this article is to analyze the scope from which children with speech delays acquire their language other than in the school sphere. The method used in this research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection was obtained through observations and interviews. The results of the research obtained are that children acquire language other than in the school environment, namely through therapy activities carried out 1-2 times a week, the use of gadgets via YouTube social media and food that can stimulate children's mouth movements. 




How to Cite

Fadilah, U. (2024). Pemerolehan Bahasa Anak Speech delay di KBI Usamah Kota Tegal. SINAU Seminar Nasional Anak Usia Dini, 1(1), 604–610. Retrieved from