Implementasi Metode Bercerita (Read Aloud) dengan Media Buku Cerita Fabel untuk Mengembangkan Sosial Emosional Anak Kelompok B di PAUD Al-Mujtahidin Blumbungan


  • Aliyah Kamirullah IAIN MADURA
  • Luthfatun Nisa' IAIN MADURA


Storytelling method, social emotional development


The purpose of this research is to determine the implementation of the storytelling method (read aloud) using fable storybooks to develop the social and emotional development of group B children in PAUD Al-Mujtahidin Blumbungan, Larangan District. Based on this, there are two discussions which are the main study in this research, namely: First, how to implement the storytelling method (read aloud) using fable storybook media to develop social emotions. Second, to determine the inhibiting and supporting factors in implementing the reading aloud method using fable storybooks to develop the social emotionality of Group B in PAUD Al-Mujtahidin Blumbungan, Larangan District. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type. Data sources were obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. The informants are: the principal, homeroom teacher and accompanying teacher. The results of this research show that there are three activities in implementing the storytelling method. The first is the initial activity, namely the teacher prepares the RPPH and the teacher prepares story techniques, the second is the core activity, the teacher conditions the children's seats and the teacher mentions the title and shop in the story, the third is the final activity, namely retelling the contents of the story told by the teacher and asking questions to the children .
Keywords: Storytelling method, social emotional development




How to Cite

Aliyah Kamirullah, & Luthfatun Nisa’. (2024). Implementasi Metode Bercerita (Read Aloud) dengan Media Buku Cerita Fabel untuk Mengembangkan Sosial Emosional Anak Kelompok B di PAUD Al-Mujtahidin Blumbungan. SINAU Seminar Nasional Anak Usia Dini, 1(1), 45–58. Retrieved from