Penerapan Metode Bercerita dengan Media Audio Visual untuk Perkembangan Bahasa Anak Kelompok B di Paud Nurus-Sholah Batulabang Akkor Palengaan Pamekasan



  • Siti Nurlaili Laili IAIN MADURA
  • Luthfatun Nisa’ IAIN MADURA


metode bercerita, media audio visual, perkembangan bahasa anak



The purpose of this research is to determine the application of the storytelling method using audio-visual media for the language development of group B children at PAUD Nurus-sholah Batulabang Akkor Palengaan Pamekasan, so there are two research focuses that the researcher examines. First, how to apply the storytelling method through audio-visual media to group B children at PAUD Nurus-sholah Batulabang Akkor Palengaan Pamekasan. Second, how is the language development of group B children with the application of audio-visual media in PAUD Nurus-sholah Batulabang Akkor Palengaan Pamekasan. The research method used in this research is a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. Data collection techniques use three methods, namely: observation, interviews and documentation. Then the data obtained is simplified in a form that is easier to read using three stages of analysis, namely grouping, checking and drawing conclusions. The research subjects in this study were the school principal and also the PAUD teacher Nurus-sholah Batulabang Akkor Palengaan Pamekasan. The research results showed that the application of the storytelling method using audio-visual media for children's language development started from three activities in implementing the storytelling method. The first is the initial activity, namely the teacher prepares the RPPH and the teacher prepares story techniques using the YouTube application, the second is the core activity, the teacher conditions the children's seats and the teacher mentions the title and shop in the story on audio-visual media using the YouTube application, the third final activity is retell the content of the story told by the teacher and ask questions to the children and mention again the title of the story in audio-visual media.

Keywords: Storytelling method, audio-visual media, children's language development 




How to Cite

Laili, S. N., & Luthfatun Nisa’. (2024). Penerapan Metode Bercerita dengan Media Audio Visual untuk Perkembangan Bahasa Anak Kelompok B di Paud Nurus-Sholah Batulabang Akkor Palengaan Pamekasan: Indonesia . SINAU Seminar Nasional Anak Usia Dini, 1(1), 13–26. Retrieved from