Implementation of Speaking Ability Through the Media of Puppets Hands in Early Children


  • Ana Haning Dewi Anjani UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


Media boneka tangan dan kemampuan berbicara


This research problem is based on observations made in class, regarding the problem of lack of
language skills in PERTIWI Kindergarten children. This is because children tend to use gadgets, so
children have very low language skills.This descriptive qualitative research was carried out with the
aim of describing the development of speaking skills of group A young children at Pertiwi
Kindergarten with the implementation of hand puppet media. The subjects of this research were
group A children and Pertiwi Kindergarten class teachers. The data collection techniques used in
this research are observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis uses Miles and
Huberman analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation and data/conclusion verification. The
results of research on the implementation of hand puppets in developing the speaking skills of group
A young children at Pertiwi Kindergarten show that children are more active during learning
activities, especially speaking activities using hand puppets. It is easier for teachers to interact with
children when using hand puppets as a support in the learning process. Based on the research
results and discussion, it can be concluded that almost all children have developed their speaking
skills and only a very small number of children still need a lot of teacher guidance in speaking when
telling stories.




How to Cite

Ana Haning Dewi Anjani. (2024). Implementation of Speaking Ability Through the Media of Puppets Hands in Early Children. SINAU Seminar Nasional Anak Usia Dini, 1(1), 542–550. Retrieved from