Peran Guru dalam Melakukan Asesmen Perkembangan Bahasa Lisan pada Anak Usia Dini di RA Muslimat NU Semut


  • Endang Suciati UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


peran guru, perkembangan asesmen bahasa lisan, anak usia dini


Language is a from of thought and feelingto convey meaning to other people or is used as a means of communication. This study aims to determine the existing assessments for children aged 3-4 years to find out the extent to which language development is related to children aged 3-4 years in accordance with the Child Development Achievement Level Standars (STPPA), to evaluate the results of language development in children 3-4 years old. This research uses qualitative methods, dat collected through direct observation. The assessment or anecdotal assessment used uses anecdotal notes. The aim of using an anecdote assessment is to determine the extent of the child’s development. 





How to Cite

Endang Suciati. (2024). Peran Guru dalam Melakukan Asesmen Perkembangan Bahasa Lisan pada Anak Usia Dini di RA Muslimat NU Semut . SINAU Seminar Nasional Anak Usia Dini, 1(1), 519–528. Retrieved from