Peran Lingkungan Keluarga dalam Pemerolehan Bahasa Pertama pada Anak


  • Nailatur Rifda UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


Anak, bahasa pertama, keluarga, lingkungan


This study discusses the acquisition of morphology and syntax in a 3 year old girl. By using a qualitative approach and observation techniques, the results of the observations show that the child has achieved language development appropriate to his age. The results of research in the acquisition of morphology, the child uses a variety of words to convey actions, objects and family relationships with appropriate morphemes. The daily environment, especially interactions with family, plays an important role in language development. At the syntactic level, children are able to construct sentences with adequate structural patterns, although there are still sound imperfections which are normal at that age. Positive interactions with the family environment make a positive contribution to children's syntactic development. In conclusion, awareness of the influence of the environment in early childhood language acquisition can be the basis for more effective parenting and educational efforts

Keywords: Child, first language, family, environmen





How to Cite

Rifda, N. (2024). Peran Lingkungan Keluarga dalam Pemerolehan Bahasa Pertama pada Anak. SINAU Seminar Nasional Anak Usia Dini, 1(1), 330–340. Retrieved from