Asesemen Perkembangan Bahasa Pada Anak Usia 3-4 Tahun Pada Anak di RA Muslimat NU Semut
The role of the teacher in the asesment development of spoken language in early childhood at the RA Muslimat Nu Semut Kindergarten where initially the children were not yet fluent in the development of spoken language after the teacher became a facilitator for the children through writing activities, answering questions and telling stories. A child's ability to develop spoken language has a big influence on the child and is something that must be taught from an early age. The aim of this research is to determine the role of teachers in assessing the development of oral language in early childhood at the RA Muslimat Nu Semut Kindergarten. This research uses a method that must be relevant to the research problem to avoid mistakes and the method used uses a fenomenalogis method. The results of this research obtained significant results regarding teacher development in the development of oral language assessment in early childhood at the RA Muslimat Nu Semut Kindergarten, developing moderately/well. Children can improve understanding quickly. Children also participate in conversations and use their language to solve everyday problems, and use language to communicate with people around them and gain more understanding. Teachers who teach language development to children can play the role of teachers as facilitators, applying various strategic approaches that are appropriate for early childhood.