Upaya Guru dalam Menstmulasi Gangguan Bahasa untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Anak Usia Dini Melalui Media Pasir di RA Radhotussibbyan Hadirul Ulum Tasikrejo
gangguan bahasa, kemampuan menulis anak, media pasir.Abstract
This research is entitled teachers' efforts to stimulate language disorders to improve early childhood writing skills using sand media at RA Raudhotussibyan Hadirul Ulum Tasikrejo. The writing ability of children at RA Raudhotussibyan Hadirul Ulum Tasikrejo on average is not optimal. One of them is that when children are asked to write letters or write words, children still experience difficulties and are still found writing letters upside down. So the aim achieved in this observation is to determine the teacher's efforts to stimulate language disorders to improve the writing skills of young children using sand media at RA Raudhotussibyan Hadirul Ulum Tasikrejo.
This research took the form of a class action at RA Raudhotussibyan Hadirul Ulum Tasikrejo. Carried out through 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of 2 meetings. Each meeting consists of four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The data collection method used is observation and documentation. The observation results were analyzed using descriptive methods with a qualitative approach, the results showed a significant increase. In the first cycle, the first meeting resulted in a score of 25% of children not yet developing, then in the first cycle of activities at the second meeting the resulting value was 35% of children starting to develop. In the second cycle of the first meeting, the activity of holding a pencil correctly resulted in 35% of children starting to develop, and in the second cycle of activities in the second meeting the resulting value was 30% of children starting to develop in writing their own names.