Aktivitas Pemerolehan Berbahasa Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus di KB Cempoko Legokclile Pekalongan


  • Nazila Ratna Anindita UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


Pemerolehan Bahasa, Aktivitas Berbahasa, Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus


Language acquisition is a process that occurs in a child's brain when he acquires his first language or mother tongue, which means language acquisition regarding his first language. Normal human brain function and speech organs can certainly speak well. The obstacles can be seen from the imbalance in language development between normal and special children. However, they also have the same rights as normal children to acquire language as a means of communicating with their environment. This research aims to describe the language acquisition activities of Children with Special Needs at the KB Cempoko Legokclile Bojong Educational Institution, Kab. Pekalongan. This research utilizes a descriptive qualitative approach which involves participant observation accompanied by interviews with relevant sources. The sample for this research was one child with special needs at KB Cempoko Legokclile Bojong, Kab. Pekalongan. The data collected took the form of observation, interviews and documentation methods. The language acquisition of children with special needs is not only influenced by stimulation factors, but also by responding to a set of equipment. There are two factors that influence language delays in children with special needs, namely internal factors and external factors. Internal factors are obtained from one's own readiness which concerns the sensory, motor and cognitive readiness of the child concerned. Then external factors through the family and school environment. A learning approach that is adapted to the needs of children with special needs is needed to improve their language acquisition.




How to Cite

Nazila Ratna Anindita. (2024). Aktivitas Pemerolehan Berbahasa Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus di KB Cempoko Legokclile Pekalongan. SINAU Seminar Nasional Anak Usia Dini, 1(1), 266–274. Retrieved from https://proceeding.uingusdur.ac.id/index.php/sinau/article/view/2200