Analysis of the Impact of Gadget Use on Eye Health And Social Emotional Behavior in Early Children at Posyandu in Karangsari Village


  • Lailatul Saadah UIN K.H Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Dyah Nurul Safitri UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Irfan Haris UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


impact of gadget, body health, sosial and emotional


Gadgets are a very popular technology today, gadgets are used by both adults and children. Many devices have children as their target market and now children have become consumers and active users of devices. The impact of gadget use on children often affects the child's physical and physical health. Especially regarding the health of children's eyes, which often experience redness due to fatigue or discharge. Gadgets have a big impact on human life and also children. If in childhood there is dependency and it has a negative impact, then the child's growth and development becomes difficult. This is proven by the presence of children at the Posyandu in Karangsari village. This study aims to analyze the impact of gadget use on eye health and social-emotional behavior in children at the Posyandu in Karangsari village. Efforts to overcome the negative impacts of using gadgets are that parents need to have an understanding of gadgets, provide direction, provide understanding, give advice to children, limit children's use of gadgets. Efforts to overcome the negative impact of gadget use on children's social-emotional behavior are that parents can prevent and reduce their children's use of gadgets. This research data analysis technique uses inductive qualitative analysis, namely. analysis based on the data obtained, after which a specific relationship model is developed. This research was carried out at the posyandu in Karangsari village, Karanganyar subdistrict, with the objects of this research being children and parents. Data collection for this research is observation, interviews, documentation and recording.




How to Cite

Lailatul Saadah, Dyah Nurul Safitri, & Irfan Haris. (2024). Analysis of the Impact of Gadget Use on Eye Health And Social Emotional Behavior in Early Children at Posyandu in Karangsari Village. SINAU Seminar Nasional Anak Usia Dini, 1(1), 702–718. Retrieved from