The Role of Teachers in Guiding the Behavior of Early Childhood Devotion to Parents at RA Muslimat NU Ambokembang


  • Alfi Nisrina UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Ittaqul Laila Salami UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Sopiah UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


the role of teacher, a young child, devoted to parents


The results of this study suggest that the role of teachers in shaping the character of young children is vital, especially in guiding devoted behavior in parents. Early ages are critical periods in the moral and social development of children, where values and habits that are instilled will affect their behavior in the future. The study aims to review the role of teachers in guiding children of an early age to have a filial attitude toward parents.

 The research methods used are qualitative with case studies approach in some early-age institutions. Data is collected through observation, interviews with teachers, and documentary analysis. Research suggests that teachers act as models, facilitators, and motivators in the learning process. Teachers instill values of kindness and respect for parents through daily activities, stories, role-playing, and breeding activities.

 Teachers also work along with parents to reinforce the moral messages taught in school. In addition, the use of interactive and contextual learning methods has been effective in helping children understand and apply dedicated concepts in daily life. The study concluded that a teacher's active role in guiding early age devoted children in parents can have significant positive effects in child creation.




How to Cite

Alfi Nisrina, Laila Salami, I., & Sopiah. (2024). The Role of Teachers in Guiding the Behavior of Early Childhood Devotion to Parents at RA Muslimat NU Ambokembang. SINAU Seminar Nasional Anak Usia Dini, 1(1), 905–910. Retrieved from