
  • Rif'atul Ulya Uin KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Fitria Nisa Habibah
  • Aprilia Azzahra
  • Nur Indana Zulfa


learning, curriculum, independent learning


Abstract: The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of the Free Learning Curriculum, the problems of teachers in implementing the Free Learning Curriculum, and how the efforts of teachers in overcoming problems with the implementation of the Free Learning Curriculum for students in class I and IV at SD Muhammadiyah Tangkil Tengah. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. The research subjects are school principals, teachers, and students of grades I and IV. Data collection is done by observation, interviews, and documentation. As for the data analysis technique that is done by data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Meanwhile, the validity test of the data was carried out using Technical Triangulation. The results of the study show that: First, Muhammadiyah Tangkil Tengah Elementary School has implemented the Independent Learning Curriculum by implementing project-based learning, diagnostic, formative and summative assessments, subject-based learning, Science Science, report cards, ATP and Teaching Modules done in groups. Second, teachers' problems in implementing the Free Learning Curriculum in planning, implementing and evaluating learning are difficulties analyzing CP, formulating TP and compiling ATP and Teaching Modules, determining learning methods and strategies, lack of ability to use technology, limited student books, lack of ability to use methods and learning media, teaching material is too broad, determines class I and IV projects, lack of project-based learning time allocation, determines the form of assessment and the form of assessment in project-based learning. Third, the efforts implemented by the teacher in overcoming problems implementing the Free Learning Curriculum are regular meetings with the KKG, PMO assistance and specifically coaching the school principal, using an alphabet book, typing, making worksheets, and making formats for own projects, continuing projects at home, making notes, and attend Curriculum implementation training.

Keywords: learning, curriculum, independent learning.


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