Implementasi Etnomatematika pada Materi Kesebangunan dan Kekongruenan dengan Menggunakan Permainan Tradisional dan Tempat Bersejarah
Ethnomathematics, congruent, traditional games, historical placesAbstract
Ethnomathematics is a form of culture-based learning in the context of mathematics. So the purpose of this research is to describe the concept of congruence in the cultural context of traditional games and several historical places. This research is a descriptive type of qualitative research, using data collection techniques such as observation, documentation, and literature study. This research focuses on traditional games such as cranklek, congklak, gobak sodor, snakes and ladders as well as several historical places such as the old town and rumah gadang. Congruent actually refers to two flat shapes that have the same size and shape, while congruent refers to the comparison of the corresponding sides must be equal. In the game congklak there is the concept of congruence of the ball and half ball, in the snakes and ladders game there is the concept of congruence of square flat shapes, in the game engklek and gobak sodor there is the concept of congruence and congruence of square and rectangular flat shapes. While in historical places such as the old city (fatahillah museum, wayang museum, independent museum, museum of fine arts and ceramics, Bank Indonesia museum, and Bank Mandiri museum) and rumah gadang there are concepts of congruence and congruence of triangular, rectangular, and square flat shapes. So it can be concluded that congruent flat shapes are definitely congruent, but congruent flat shapes are not necessarily congruent.
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