Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Matematika


  • Khoirotunnisa UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Nalim Nalim UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


mathematical concepts, PBL, conventional


The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the PBL learning model on understanding mathematical concepts. This research is a quasi-experiment with a quantitative approach. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling and the data collection technique used is a test in the experimental class using PBL and the control class using conventional. The results of the study concluded that there was an effect of the problem-based learning model on the understanding of mathematical concepts of eighth-grade students of SMPN 1 Kajen, Pekalongan Regency on the material of flat side space. This statement is evidenced by the results of the posttest data obtained that the posttest average of the experimental and control classes is 80.0781 and 65.2344. It can be seen that the average value of the experimental class is better than the average value of the control class. And also based on the results of inferential statistics on the posttest value, namely 2-tailed = 0.000. So it can be concluded that the understanding of students' mathematical concepts who get the problem-based learning model is significantly different.


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How to Cite

Khoirotunnisa, & Nalim, N. (2022). Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Matematika . SANTIKA : Seminar Nasional Tadris Matematika, 2, 168–179. Retrieved from