PROSINA PPG : Prosiding Nasional Pendidikan Profesi Guru Program Studi Pendidikan Profesi Guru UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan en-US PROSINA PPG : Prosiding Nasional Pendidikan Profesi Guru PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN EXPLISIT INSTRUCTION UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR PAI MATERI MENGENAL RUKUN ISLAM SISWA KELAS I SDN BANJARATMA 01 KABUPATEN BREBES <p>The learning model is understood as a strategy for teaching children, and teachers who teach them use everything to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Classroom action research is research that explains the cause and effect of treatment as well as explaining what happens when the treatment is given, and explains the entire process from the beginning of the treatment to the impact of the treatment. Pre-cycle conditions are student learning conditions before the implementation of the explicit instruction learning model at SD Negeri Banjaratma 01. Based on observations made by researchers on Monday, February 23 2023, there were 25 students and all students were present. Based on the results of data analysis in cycles I and Cycle II, descriptively the results of this research reveal the implementation of the explicit instruction learning model to improve PAI learning outcomes for the material Getting to Know the Pillars of Islam for class I A at SD Negeri Banjaratma 01. Overall, the implementation of the explicit instruction learning model for students Class I A of SD Negeri Banjaratma 01 can be said to be proceeding according to proper planning. Both in terms of the form of learning planning and the implementation of learning obtained from student activities.</p> Yani Rofiqotul Aini Rizal Bilhakiki Copyright (c) 2024 PROSINA PPG : Prosiding Nasional Pendidikan Profesi Guru 2024-07-23 2024-07-23 1 1 14 PENGGUNAAN METODE MAKE A MATCH TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR SISWA KELAS V PADA MATERI MENYAYANGI ANAK YATIM <p><em>Learning is very important in the selection of subjects, especially learning Islamic Religious Education and ethics as a curriculum that is taught. In carrying out learning, it does not escape by using learning methods. The learning taught in this article is the material of loving orphans using the make a match method in class v. The goal is that students can love orphans using the Make a Match method. This shows the low learning outcomes of class v students UPTD SPF SD Negeri Mengkusuman 3 on the material of Loving orphans. In learning the material of Loving Orphans with the Make a Match method, students get better learning outcomes because it is easy, does not complicate, is fun in games and does not bore students, so they can respond to learning materials well and can meet learning objectives. As well as the application of the Make a Match method, able to improve student learning outcomes, because it is easy, not difficult, fun in card games and not boring for students.</em></p> Mefti Kurniawati Agus Khumaedi Izzatun Nadlifah Copyright (c) 2024 PROSINA PPG : Prosiding Nasional Pendidikan Profesi Guru 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 1 15 23 IMPLEMENTASI MODEL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PBL) DENGAN MEDIA AUDIO VISUAL DALAM MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA PADA MATERI HUKUM PACARAN DALAM ISLAM KELAS X SMK AL IRSYAD TEGAL TAHUN PELAJARAN 2022/2023 <p><em>This research was conducted to find out how to apply the problem-based learning model using audio-visual media and whether this learning model can improve the learning outcomes of class X students at Al-Irsyad Tegal Vocational School. This type of research is classroom action research (PTK). The research subjects are 10 Al-Irsyad Tegal Vocational School students, class X. Data collection techniques use observation, tests, and documentation. Data collection techniques use the formula for average value, percentage of learning completeness, and observation data. Data on students' mastery of the material being taught is obtained through tests at the end of each cycle. Meanwhile, data on student activities and the process of implementing learning by teachers were obtained using observation sheets. The results of the research show that through learning by applying the problem based learning model with audio visual media it can improve student learning outcomes. The average student score in cycle I was 74.00 and in cycle II 90.00. Complete student achievement based on the KKM set by the school in cycle I was 6 students (60%) and 10 students (100%) in cycle II. From the results of this research, it can be concluded that implementing the problem-based learning model with audio-visual media can improve student learning outcomes.</em></p> Ali Sumitro Moh Nurul Huda Rizka Nazhifa Copyright (c) 2024 PROSINA PPG : Prosiding Nasional Pendidikan Profesi Guru 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 1 24 32 UPAYA MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR PAIBP MATERI AL-QUR’AN SURAT AT-TIN DENGAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN JIGSAW PADA PESERTA DIDIK KELAS V SDN KEPANDEAN 03 <p><em>The purpose of this study was to improve learning outcomes in grade V students of SDN Kepandean 03, Dukuhturi District, Tegal Regency in the 2022/2023 Academic Year on the material of Al-Qur'an Surah at-Tin through cooperative learning jigsaw model. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach by describing the improvement in learning outcomes of the Al-Qur'an Surah at-Tin material, while the data analysis uses a percentage system. The data collection methods used are observation, documentation, tests, and worksheets. The data obtained were analyzed through the process of data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and verification. The results of the study showed low learning outcomes of grade V students of SDN Kepandean 03, especially in the subject of Religious Education and Character Education, the material "QS at-Tin". Of the 30 students in one class, 11 students or 37% have completed their studies, 19 students or 63% have not completed them, the average grade is 67. From the results of the learning activities that have been carried out for two cycles and based on all the discussions and analyses that have been carried out, it can be concluded that learning with the jigsaw learning model can improve the learning outcomes of Religious Education and Character Education on the material "QS at-Tin" for class V students of SDN Kepandean 03 Semester I Academic Year 2022/2023, which is marked by an increase in student learning outcomes in each cycle.</em></p> Anisatun Mu’tamaroh Chubby Millatina Rokhuma Febianti Wulandari Copyright (c) 2024 PROSINA PPG : Prosiding Nasional Pendidikan Profesi Guru 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 1 33 40 UPAYA MENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA DENGAN MODEL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING DAN INFORMATION SEARCH PADA MATERI ZAKAT <p><em>Textual learning will cause low student interest in learning, resulting in low student learning outcomes. While the expected learning process of Islamic religious education on zakat material is that in addition to students being able to understand the concept of zakat, students can also practice it. The method used in this research is class action research (PTK) or can be known as classroom action research. The process of applying the Problem Based Learning model and information search in improving student learning outcomes on zakat material is shown by student activeness in learning, namely by learning independently, seeking material information from various sources, actively discussing and working together in solving the problems presented. Problem Based Learning and Information Search models can improve student learning outcomes</em></p> Labibah Andung Dwi Haryanto Zacky Al-Ghofir El-Muhtadi Rizal Copyright (c) 2024 PROSINA PPG : Prosiding Nasional Pendidikan Profesi Guru 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 1 42 64 PENERAPAN METODE DEMONSTRASI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI BELAJAR MATEMATIKA SISWA KELAS 1 MI MUHAMMADIYAH 2 KASEGERAN TAHUN PELAJARAN 2022/2023 <p><em>Primary education is the beginning for the next level of education, and is an integral part of the overall national education system. Mathematics is a subject that discusses various basic skills such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, measurement, and understanding geometric shapes. Improving the quality of a person's life cannot be separated from how he or she learns. Learning is an integrated process. Learning achievement related to the ability to think critically and scientifically of elementary school students can be assessed based on the ability to read, observe and or listen to what is explained or informed, the ability to identify or make a number (sub) of questions based on the substance read, observed and or heard, the ability to organize the results of identification and review from the point of similarities and differences, and the ability to conduct a comprehensive study. Learning achievement is characterized by changes in overall behavior. Mathematics learning is the process of providing learning experiences to students through a series of planned activities so that students acquire the competence of the studied mathematics material. The demonstration learning method is learning that presents learning materials by directly demonstrating objects or how to do something so that it can learn it in the process. The subjects of this class action research are first grade students of Muhammadiyah 2 Kasegeran in the 2022/2023 academic year, totaling 8 students consisting of 4 boys and 4 girls. The object of this research is the Demonstration Method. The application of the demonstration method can improve the competence of grade 1 students of MI Muhammadiyah 2 Kasegeran. By using the demonstration method, student learning achievement in each cycle has changed and improved. This is evidenced by the achievement of pre-cycle test results with an average percentage of only 57% and at the end of cycle II reaching 90%.</em></p> Suryati Abdul Majid Tyas Ayu Farah Dina Copyright (c) 2024 PROSINA PPG : Prosiding Nasional Pendidikan Profesi Guru 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 1 65 80 PENINGKATAN PEMAHAMAN MATA PELAJARAN AKIDAH AKHLAK MATERI INDAHNYA KALIMAT THAYYIBAH MELALUI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN MELALUI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE MAKE A MATCH DI KELAS IV MI NU 05 TAMANGEDE KENDAL <p><em>This research aims to determine the level of understanding of class IV students regarding the beauty of thayyibah sentences. Therefore, the efforts that researchers need to make to increase students' understanding are with the make a match learning model. This research was conducted in class IV MI Nurus Syafi'i with a total of 19 students. This research data was obtained using observation techniques, interviews, learning results tests and documentation. The results of the research show that: 1) The application of the make a match type cooperative model to the al-asma al-husna material can be implemented quite well. The results of observing teacher activities in cycle I were 75 (fair) and increased to 83.3 (good) in cycle II. Meanwhile, the results of observing student activities in cycle I were 75 (fair) and increased to 88 (good) in cycle II. 2) Increasing understanding of al-asma al-husna material in class IV students at MI Nurus Syafi'i Sidoarjo through the make a match type cooperative model can be seen from the percentage of student completion in the pre-cycle, namely 47.61% (Very less), cycle I66, 66% (fair) and cycle II 85.71% (good).</em></p> Rita Sugiarti Eros Meilina Sofa Copyright (c) 2024 PROSINA PPG : Prosiding Nasional Pendidikan Profesi Guru 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 1 81 90 UPAYA PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM MELALUI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING DI KELAS VI SDN KALINYAMAT KULON 1 KOTA TEGAL <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine whether the application of the problem based learning model can improve the learning outcomes of Islamic Religious Education at SDN Kalinyamat Kulon 1. The type of this research is classroom action research (CAR) and the subjects of this study were students in class VI of SDN Kalinyamat Kulon 1 totaling 28 people. Data collection techniques used observation, tests, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used the formula for average value, percentage of learning completeness and observation data. From the results of the study, it was concluded that learning using the problem based learning model can improve the learning outcomes of Islamic religious education at SDN Kalinyamat Kulon 1. This can be proven from the average student before the application of the problem based learning model was 59.3, students who got a score above 70 were 28.57%. From the results of cycle 1, the average score was 66.07, students who got a score above 70 were 53.57%. After cycle II, the average score was 76.07, students who scored above 70 were 82.14%, indicating that there was an increase in learning outcomes of Islamic Religious Education using the Problem Based Learning model.</em></p> Moh Faizal Amri Ali Burhan Copyright (c) 2024 PROSINA PPG : Prosiding Nasional Pendidikan Profesi Guru 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 1 91 97 PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR MATA PELAJARAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM DAN SOSIAL (IPAS) MELALUI METODE DISKUSI DI KELAS IV MI MUHAMMADIYAH SUNYALANGU KARANGLEWAS <p><em>Improving Learning Outcomes of Natural and Social Sciences (IPAS) Subjects through Discussion Methods in Class IV MI Muhammadiyah Sunyalangu Karanglewas 2023/2024.This research uses Classroom Action Research (PTK) including aspects of planning, action, observation, and reflection. In this PTK there are 2 cycles. The subject of this study was class IV with a total of 16 students, and the data collection technique in this study used the observation method and the learning outcomes test method. The types of instruments in this study used observation sheets and learning outcomes tests. While the data analysis techniques used are qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative data through observations during the learning process such as student and teacher activity observation sheets, and quantitative data through learning outcomes tests. The results of observations of the implementation of actions in cycle II showed changes in both the attitude, attention and activeness of students, and the most prominent was the number of students who did other activities in the classroom no longer existed. In addition, students who answer and submit responses also show quite good progress. Meanwhile, students who took notes and listened to the teacher's explanation also showed very good progress</em></p> Suparti M Yasin Abidin Copyright (c) 2024 PROSINA PPG : Prosiding Nasional Pendidikan Profesi Guru 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 1 98 108 MENGINTEGRASIKAN TEKNOLOGI AUGMENTED REALITY DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS BAGI MASYARAKAT <p><em>The implementation of AR technology in English learning offers great potential to improve learning effectiveness and student interest. AR provides an engaging and interactive learning experience, allowing students to learn in a more real and hands-on environment. However, challenges related to infrastructure, training and content development need to be overcome for this technology to be utilised to its full potential in English language learning for the community. With good cooperation between all relevant parties, AR can be an innovative and effective tool in improving the English skills of the community at large. In this research, the author uses the literature study method and data collection through interviews and observations of English language learning participants who use AR technology. The results show that the use of AR technology in English learning can increase student engagement and learning effectiveness. AR provides an interesting and interactive learning experience, which can increase students' motivation and interest in learning English. In addition, the use of AR can also help strengthen the understanding of English concepts, vocabulary, and grammar through more real visualisation and hands-on learning experience.</em></p> Dwi Ning Sayekti Muhammad Jauhari Sofi rahmat kamal Fina Fatkhurizqia Copyright (c) 2024 PROSINA PPG : Prosiding Nasional Pendidikan Profesi Guru 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 1 109 117 MENINGKATKAN KREATIFITAS ANAK MELALUI METODE BERMAIN PLASTISIN PADA SISWA KELOMPOK B RA.AL IKHLAS BANDUNGSARI <p><em>Early childhood education is a form of education that focuses on laying the foundation for physical, intelligence, social emotional, and language and communication growth and development, in accordance with the uniqueness and stages of development that early childhood children go through. One thing that must be developed at an early age is cognitive development, namely creativity. Increasing creativity is very important in students' lives and can indirectly improve students' learning achievements at the next level of education. The aim of this research is to increase students' creativity through the plasticine playing method for children in group B RA Al-Ikhlas Bandungsari, Brebes Regency. This research uses a classroom action research approach which focuses on direct activities in the classroom. The results of this research revealed that in Cycle 2 the number of children who started to develop was 2 people or 13%, and the number of children who developed according to expectations was 9 people or 60%, while there were 4 children who developed very well or 26%.</em></p> Ati Sugiarti Sumadaningsih Siti Mumun Muniroh Copyright (c) 2024 PROSINA PPG : Prosiding Nasional Pendidikan Profesi Guru 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 1 118 126 UPAYA GURU DALAM MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN GERAK MOTORIK KASAR ANAK MELALUI PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL BOY-BOYAN PADA SISWA RA AL HUDA SAMOJA KELOMPOK B TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023 KEC SUMEDANG SELATAN <p><em>The gross motor activity of children that is usually carried out at school is just gymnastics too often, which makes children feel lazy and bored, and this is coupled with the condition of parents who often pamper children with toys such as PS, remote controls and other factory-made toys which cause gross motor skills. untrained children. This research wants to find out how the use of traditional boy-boyan games in the classroom can improve children's gross motor skills as a result of learning through traditional boy-boyan games. This type of research is qualitative and quantitative, meaning that the information or data obtained is presented in the form of numbers. There are 2 types of research approaches, namely quantitative and qualitative approaches, information or data presented in the form of statements. Based on the results of implementing the actions carried out in three cycles, there has been a very good improvement and these results are the targets expected by the researchers. The results of student activity for the aspect of throwing the ball in cycle one were 18.8%, for the aspect of catching the ball 8.4% and the aspect of jumping, jumping and running in a coordinated manner was 31.3% in cycle II, the aspect of throwing the ball was 25.% for the aspect of catching the ball 43 .8% and the aspect of jumping, jumping and running in a coordinated manner was 51.3%, while in cycle III the aspect of throwing the ball was 58.3%, the aspect of catching the ball was 66.7% and the aspect of jumping, jumping and running in a coordinated manner was 75%. Thus, learning children's gross motor movements through the traditional boy-boyan game can improve children's learning outcomes in improving children's gross motor skills. The increase in children's learning of gross motor movements through traditional children's boy-boyan games is proven by the increase in each cycle. Teachers are advised to have the will, tenacity, creativity and courage to develop children's gross motor physical learning so that children feel happy and enthusiastic about playing. Apart from that, the traditional boy-boyan game, apart from being fun, has many benefits for children's health and social life.</em></p> Yani Mulyani Triana Indrawati Isma Risqi Hanifah Copyright (c) 2024 PROSINA PPG : Prosiding Nasional Pendidikan Profesi Guru 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 1 127 138 STUDI ANALISIS SURVEI KEPUASAN MAHASISWA TERHADAP LAYANAN AKADEMIK DAN SARANA PRASARANA BERBASIS LAMDIK DI FAKULTAS TARBIYAH DAN ILMU KEGURUAN UIN K.H. ABDURRAHMAN WAHID PEKALONGAN <p><em>This study aims to analyze the results of a student satisfaction survey on improving the quality of academic services and LAMDIK-based facilities and infrastructure at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN K. H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan. The type of research used is survey research using a longitudinal survey approach, namely to see the movement of survey results from year to year that have been carried out by the Faculty Quality Assurance Unit as analysis material, and using the Miles and Huberman interactive model analysis technique to analyze the survey results. The results of the study show that academic services at FTIK UIN K. H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan in 2022 and 2023 were categorized as good and there was an increase in five LAMDIK indicators: (1) using valid and easy-to-use satisfaction instruments, (2) the results were analyzed using appropriate and useful methods for decision making, (3) a review of the results of the implementation of satisfaction measurements was carried out, (4) followed up for improvement and enhancement of teaching quality, and (5) the results were published and easily accessible to interested parties. A decrease occurred in the classroom comfort indicator. </em></p> Akhmad Aufa Syukron Akhmad Zaeni M. Adin Setyawan Anisa Amalia Taufiqul Rahman Syarif Copyright (c) 2024 PROSINA PPG : Prosiding Nasional Pendidikan Profesi Guru 2024-07-27 2024-07-27 1 139 151