Zakat, Problem Based Learning, Learning Outcomes, Learning ModelAbstract
Zakat is a form of worship that must be paid by every Muslim if it has reached the specified requirements and needs to be instilled so that students do not misapply it in everyday life. So good learning is needed to improve student learning outcomes in zakat. The problem based learning model is an alternative to improve students' understanding and mastery of the material developed by the teacher in the classroom. This research aims to improve student learning outcomes through the problem based learning model for class IX students. The type of research used is classroom action research (PTK), through 2 activity cycles. The subjects of Classroom Action Research were students of class IX UPTD SPF SMP Negeri 14 Kec. East Tegal, Tegal City. totaling 29 people. Data collection techniques in research, namely observation and tests. The minimum completion criteria for PAI & BP subjects is 76. The initial condition (pre cycle) of students who reached the KKM was 12 students or 41.4% and students who had not yet reached the KKM were 17 students or 58.6%. After the research was carried out, there was an increase since the first cycle of meeting 1, 16 students or 55% of students who had reached the KKM and 13 students or 45% who had not yet reached the KKM with an average class score of 71.4. Even though there was an increase in cycle I, it did not meet the author's expectations, which set a success indicator of 80% of all students achieving the KKM. Meanwhile, after the second cycle meeting, 1 student who succeeded in reaching the KKM became 25 students or 86% achieved the KKM and only 4 students or 14% had not yet achieved the KKM, with an average class score of 84.1.
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