The Proceeding of ICRCS: Announcements 2023-12-14T03:21:37+07:00 Open Journal Systems <p><strong>A. Background</strong></p> <p>The era of artificial intelligence has undermined the human spirit so that humans have lost themselves because many of their roles have been replaced by technology. In this context, the study of Islamic religion cannot only be studied from a theological-eschatological perspective but needs to shift from a humanist perspective. Islamic Humanities in the Artificial Era refers to the intersection of Islamic studies and the rapidly advancing field of artificial intelligence (AI) and technology. This concept encompasses various aspects, challenges, and opportunities arising from the integration of AI and technology with Islamic scholarship and cultural heritage. On that basis, the 2nd International Conference on Religion, Culture and Spirituality for Muslim Society was held on 11-12 September 2023 at Hotel Dafam Pekalongan with the theme "Islamic Studies for Humanity".<br />This activity is carried out blended (offline and online). The speaker for the International Conference is Prof. Dr. Zainal Mustakim, M. Ag (UIN KH Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan), Prof. Dr. Amina Wadud Muhsin (Virginia Commonwealth University, United States of America), Prof. Dr. Hasan Yousuf (Canal Suez University), Prof. Dr. H. Dindin Solahudin, MA, CHRA (Professor of Dakwah Sciences at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung). This conference aims to find alternative solutions for the emergence of Islamic science which can answer human problems in the era of artificial intelligence in various aspects. The Scope of this conference The Roots of Islamic Humanity (Perspective of Al-Qur'an and Hadith), Sufism for Humanity and healthy of Soul, Multicultural Counseling and Humanity, Strategy of Da'wah toward Islamic Moderatism, Islamic Communication Media in The Era of Disruption. In navigating the integration of AI and technology with Islamic humanity, it's crucial for scholars, religious leaders, and technologists to collaborate. This collaboration can ensure that advancements are made while respecting the integrity of Islamic teachings, values and cultural heritage.<br /><br /><strong>B. Theme and Sub-Theme</strong><br />Theme: <strong><span class="WdYUQQ text-decoration-none text-strikethrough-none">Islamic Studies for Humanity<br /></span></strong><span class="WdYUQQ text-decoration-none text-strikethrough-none">Sub-Theme:</span><span class="WdYUQQ text-decoration-none text-strikethrough-none"><br />1. </span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">The Roots of Islamic Humanity (Perspective of Al-Qur'an and Hadith)<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">2. Sufism for Humanity and Mental Health<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">3. Multicultural Counseling and Humanity<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">4. Strategy of Dakwah Toward Islamic Moderation<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">5. Islamic communication Media in The Era of Disruption<br /><br /><strong>C. </strong></span><strong>Committee<br /></strong>General Chair:<br />Dr. Miftahul Ula, M.Ag.<br /><br />Steering Committee:<br />1. Prof. Dr. Sam'ani, M.Ag.<br />2. Dr. Agus Fakhrina, M.S.I.<br />3. Dr. Muhandis Azzuhri, Lc., M.A.<br />4. Ida Isnawati, S.E., M.S.I.<br /><br />General Co-Chairs:<br />Mukoyimah, M.Sos.<br /><br />TPC Chair and Co-Chair:<br />Shinta Nurani, M.A.<br />Vyki Mazaya, M.S.I.<br /><br />Workshop Chair:<br />Dimas Prasetya, M.A.<br /><br />Publication Chair:<br />Teddy Dyatmika, M.I.Kom.<br /><br />Panels Chair:<br />Adib 'Aunillah Fasya, M.Si.<br /><br />Technical Program Committee:<br />Firda Aulia Izzati, M.Pd.<br />Tsalisa Yuliyanti, M.Pd.<br />Mahurzar Riyadi, M.Pd.I.<br /><br />Editors:<br />Dr. Muhamad Rifa'i Subhi, M.Pd.I.<br />Syamsul Bakhri, M.Sos.<br />Muhammad Rikzam Kamal, M.Kom.<br /><br /><strong>E. Speakers and Participants<br /></strong>The conference invites scholars and experts to submit their abstracts. Selected abstracts will be presented in a parallel session of the conference. The conference also invites national and international experts. Among those experts are:<br />1. Prof. Dr. aminah wadud (Virginia Commonwealth University Amerika Serikat)<br />2. Prof. Dr. Hasan Yousuf (Universitas Canal Suez)<br />3. Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdurrohman Chapakiya (Fatoni University Thailand)<br />4. Prof. Dr. H. Dindin Solahudin, M.A., CHRA (UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung)<br /><br /><strong>F. Conference Fee<br /></strong>Presenter: IDR 200.000 IDR (UIN Gusdur); IDR 300.000 (Indonesia); USD 100 (International)<br />Co-Author: IDR 100.000 IDR (UIN Gusdur); IDR 100.000 (Indonesia); USD 30 (International)<br />Participant: Free<br /><br />Facilities: Conference kit, coffee break, lunch, Certificate<br /><br />Payment Via Transfer :<br />BTN;<span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> </span>Agus Fakhrina; 002020 15000 16828<br />MANDIRI; Miftahul Ula; 1390023706728<br /><br />Here is link of full paper template: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">fullpapertemplate.</a><br /><br /><strong>G. Contact<br /></strong>Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab &amp; Dakwah<br />Universitas Islam Negeri K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan<br />Jl. Pahlawan, Km. 5 Rowolaku Kec. Kajen Kab. Pekalongan 51161</p> International Conference on Religion, Culture, and Spirituality for Moslem Society (ICRCS) 2023-12-14T03:21:37+07:00 The Proceeding of ICRCS <p><strong>A. Background</strong></p> <p>The era of artificial intelligence has undermined the human spirit so that humans have lost themselves because many of their roles have been replaced by technology. In this context, the study of Islamic religion cannot only be studied from a theological-eschatological perspective but needs to shift from a humanist perspective. Islamic Humanities in the Artificial Era refers to the intersection of Islamic studies and the rapidly advancing field of artificial intelligence (AI) and technology. This concept encompasses various aspects, challenges, and opportunities arising from the integration of AI and technology with Islamic scholarship and cultural heritage. On that basis, the 2nd International Conference on Religion, Culture and Spirituality for Muslim Society was held on 11-12 September 2023 at Hotel Dafam Pekalongan with the theme "Islamic Studies for Humanity".<br />This activity is carried out blended (offline and online). The speaker for the International Conference is Prof. Dr. Zainal Mustakim, M. Ag (UIN KH Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan), Prof. Dr. Amina Wadud Muhsin (Virginia Commonwealth University, United States of America), Prof. Dr. Hasan Yousuf (Canal Suez University), Prof. Dr. H. Dindin Solahudin, MA, CHRA (Professor of Dakwah Sciences at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung). This conference aims to find alternative solutions for the emergence of Islamic science which can answer human problems in the era of artificial intelligence in various aspects. The Scope of this conference The Roots of Islamic Humanity (Perspective of Al-Qur'an and Hadith), Sufism for Humanity and healthy of Soul, Multicultural Counseling and Humanity, Strategy of Da'wah toward Islamic Moderatism, Islamic Communication Media in The Era of Disruption. In navigating the integration of AI and technology with Islamic humanity, it's crucial for scholars, religious leaders, and technologists to collaborate. This collaboration can ensure that advancements are made while respecting the integrity of Islamic teachings, values and cultural heritage.<br /><br /><strong>B. Theme and Sub-Theme</strong><br />Theme: <strong><span class="WdYUQQ text-decoration-none text-strikethrough-none">Islamic Studies for Humanity<br /></span></strong><span class="WdYUQQ text-decoration-none text-strikethrough-none">Sub-Theme:</span><span class="WdYUQQ text-decoration-none text-strikethrough-none"><br />1. </span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">The Roots of Islamic Humanity (Perspective of Al-Qur'an and Hadith)<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">2. Sufism for Humanity and Mental Health<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">3. Multicultural Counseling and Humanity<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">4. Strategy of Dakwah Toward Islamic Moderation<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">5. Islamic communication Media in The Era of Disruption<br /><br /><strong>C. </strong></span><strong>Committee<br /></strong>General Chair:<br />Dr. Miftahul Ula, M.Ag.<br /><br />Steering Committee:<br />1. Prof. Dr. Sam'ani, M.Ag.<br />2. Dr. Agus Fakhrina, M.S.I.<br />3. Dr. Muhandis Azzuhri, Lc., M.A.<br />4. Ida Isnawati, S.E., M.S.I.<br /><br />General Co-Chairs:<br />Mukoyimah, M.Sos.<br /><br />TPC Chair and Co-Chair:<br />Shinta Nurani, M.A.<br />Vyki Mazaya, M.S.I.<br /><br />Workshop Chair:<br />Dimas Prasetya, M.A.<br /><br />Publication Chair:<br />Teddy Dyatmika, M.I.Kom.<br /><br />Panels Chair:<br />Adib 'Aunillah Fasya, M.Si.<br /><br />Technical Program Committee:<br />Firda Aulia Izzati, M.Pd.<br />Tsalisa Yuliyanti, M.Pd.<br />Mahurzar Riyadi, M.Pd.I.<br /><br />Editors:<br />Dr. Muhamad Rifa'i Subhi, M.Pd.I.<br />Syamsul Bakhri, M.Sos.<br />Muhammad Rikzam Kamal, M.Kom.<br /><br /><strong>E. Speakers and Participants<br /></strong>The conference invites scholars and experts to submit their abstracts. Selected abstracts will be presented in a parallel session of the conference. The conference also invites national and international experts. Among those experts are:<br />1. Prof. Dr. aminah wadud (Virginia Commonwealth University Amerika Serikat)<br />2. Prof. Dr. Hasan Yousuf (Universitas Canal Suez)<br />3. Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdurrohman Chapakiya (Fatoni University Thailand)<br />4. Prof. Dr. H. Dindin Solahudin, M.A., CHRA (UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung)<br /><br /><strong>F. Conference Fee<br /></strong>Presenter: IDR 200.000 IDR (UIN Gusdur); IDR 300.000 (Indonesia); USD 100 (International)<br />Co-Author: IDR 100.000 IDR (UIN Gusdur); IDR 100.000 (Indonesia); USD 30 (International)<br />Participant: Free<br /><br />Facilities: Conference kit, coffee break, lunch, Certificate<br /><br />Payment Via Transfer :<br />BTN;<span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> </span>Agus Fakhrina; 002020 15000 16828<br />MANDIRI; Miftahul Ula; 1390023706728<br /><br />Here is link of full paper template: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">fullpapertemplate.</a><br /><br /><strong>G. Contact<br /></strong>Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab &amp; Dakwah<br />Universitas Islam Negeri K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan<br />Jl. Pahlawan, Km. 5 Rowolaku Kec. Kajen Kab. Pekalongan 51161</p> 2023-12-14T03:21:37+07:00