Digital Aurat: Privacy Protection and Information Sharing Ethics in Islamic Perspective in the Age of Technology


  • Rizky Maulana Aziz UIN Salatiga
  • Mukh Nursikin UIN Salatiga



Digital Aurat, privacy protection, ethics, Islam


The development of information technology and the internet has fundamentally changed the landscape of communication and access to information, especially for the millennial generation. In this era, the emergence of the concept of "digital aurat" has become a crucial guideline in regulating the boundaries of privacy and ethics in sharing information in an increasingly connected virtual world. This research adopts a rationalistic concept analysis approach and a reflective-content analysis method to explore the meaning and implications of "digital aurat" from an Islamic perspective and religious values. The results confirm that the concept of "digital aurat" shows the urgency of the importance of maintaining privacy and setting appropriate boundaries when interacting in cyberspace. This concept is in line with the principles of Islamic maqashidu sharia, such as hifdzul 'irdli (protecting honor), hifdzun nafsi (protecting the soul and body), and hifdzul mali (protecting wealth). In addition, "digital aurat" is also closely related to the values of humanization, liberation, and transcendence in an increasingly widespread digital context, providing a deep perspective on how Islamic religious education can adapt and provide ethical guidance in this increasingly digitized modern era.


