Does It Matter What He Needs? Economic Well-Being As Strategic Management For Radical Behaviour Intention


  • Susminingsih Susminingsih UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Imam Kanafi UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


Economicwell-being, Strategic management, Radical behavior intention


This paper describes economic well-being as a strategic tool in managing individual behavior. Economic well-being is one of the triggers for someone to do radicals. Material as a symbol of civilization makes humans decide all of their thoughts and actions to achieve the fulfillment of these materials. Intention is the foundation of one's actions.Indonesia as a developing country has a significant level of poverty and unemployment. Limited economic access triggers an increase in a person's criminal actions. The methodology in policy research emphasizes the process of analyzing social problems carried out with literature study techniques.Radical behavior is an activity integrated with economic aspects that requires socio-cultural strategic prevention, in addition to law and politics in Indonesia which are known to be religious, loyal, friendly, caring, and easy to cooperation.The results of this paper are recommended to policy makers to find a way out of radicalism problem in economy perspective.


