
  • Muktaromah Muktaromah Pasca Sarjana IAIN Pekalongan


Marriage is not registered in the KUA, Law, legal consequences


There is a phenomenon of marriage that occurs in the community, which is not registered in the KUA. This is because there is a culture that believes that Habib is married off as a descendant of the Prophet and Kyai, rather than by the Penghulu as an officer of the KUA (government). The age of the prospective bride and groom who is still relatively young, the prospective husband who works as a civil servant, as an official or as a successful businessman but is already married, and other factors that encourage someone to decide to get married but are not registered in the KUA. This study aims to examine: first, how the law of marriage that is not registered in the KUA according to Islamic Sharia, MUI and Positive Law in Indonesia. Second, what legal consequences arise from marriages that are not registered in the KUA. This study uses a normative qualitative method by analyzing the content / legal documents and library research that is content analysis. As a result, marriages that have fulfilled the requirements and are in harmony according to their religion, even though they are declared Religiously Legal, are not considered legally valid in Indonesia and are considered criminal acts. so it has no legal force and no legal protection for family members.


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