The Role of Islamic Universities in the Development of the Halal Industry Case Study in Central Java Province of Indonesia
Halal industry has become a business trend in Indonesia and the world because it has great economic prospects. This is supported by the increasing number of Muslims and the Halal Muslim lifestyle. The development of the halal industry is supported by various institutions, such as universities. This paper aims to identify and explore the role of universities in the development of the halal industry in the regions and Indonesia. With a qualitative approach, this paper is presented by looking at empirical experiences in several regions in the province of Central Java. This research data is obtained through literature studies by reviewing books, journal articles, research reports, online news, and websites that are in accordance with the theme of the writing. The results of this study show that in general, universities are supporting the development of the halal industry through the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and pentahelix theory. In particular, universities become supporting institutions that produce human resources in the halal field, as halal study institutions, as halal product research centers, halal human resource producers, and halal literacy centers. So, universities play an important role in the development of the halal industry, both in the regions, Indonesia, and even the world. The neglect of the role of universities in the development of the halal industry can have an impact on slowing the pace of the halal industry.
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