
  • Amar Ma'ruf Universitas bina sarana informatika
  • Zakiya very Ayu suryatina Universitas Islam Negeri Kh. Abdurrohman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Amar Ma'ruf Universitas bina sarana informatika


Religious moderation,, Early, Early childhood, Education, Islamic religious education


This study is to review the problem of the urgency of applying the values of religious moderation in early childhood education. The purpose of this study was to determine the urgency of applying the values of religious moderation in early childhood education. The method in this research is a qualitative approach by using the type of library research (library research). The results of this study concluded that the application of religious moderation values in PAUD is currently being carried out in learning but not yet clearly and unequivocally, meaning that it has not specifically taught about the values of religious moderation to children because it is based on learning that regulates the application of moderation learning religious. The  form of religious moderation values in learning Islamic religious education for PAUD children has been applied, where the various forms of moderation values here are attitudes that are instilled in children, for example, mutual respect and respect for religious differences, including by introducing 6 religions in Indonesia. Indonesia. By introducing the names of their places of worship through miniatures or educational props such as mosques, churches, monasteries, temples, and temples. At their age, their imagination world is still very strong, so that method is more understandable for them. When entering the theme of my country, children are also introduced to the name of the country, ethnicity, culture, state symbol and so on. As well as habituation of noble character in the lives of students, namely honesty, courtesy, tolerance, responsibility, and humility. teaching about all forms of daily worship and procedures for its implementation for children, as well as telling Islamic stories.



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