intelligence, the kitab of ta'limul mutaallim, teaching Arabic, studentsAbstract
The increasing development of Islamic education in the new normal era requires Islamic boarding schools to adapt their curriculum and teaching models. However, especially the teaching of Arabic is not following the pesantren curriculum developed by the Ministry of Religion. This article aims to find the concept of teaching Arabic with the ta'limul mutaallim kitab approach. The subjects of this study consisted of ustadz and students. Research subjects were determined by the purposive sampling technique. The research was conducted at the Thoriqul Jannah Islamic Boarding School, Yogyakarta. This research is qualitative (case study) which is corroborated by literature review data. Data collection techniques were carried out by interview, observation, and documentation methods. The data analysis technique follows the Miles and Huberman model, with data display, data reduction, and data verification. The results of the study found that teaching Arabic in Islamic boarding schools needs to be supported by effective teaching. However, the teaching encountered has not been responded to well by the students, regarding reading the yellow kitab. Alternative teaching based on the concept of ta’limul mutaallim helps students improve intelligence in reading the kitab of jurumiah and al-amtsilah attasrifiyyah. The ta'limul mutaalim concept provides an alternative for ta'dzim students to the ustadz, tawaddu' to the ustadz, and prioritizes spiritual practice. The implication of this research is to increase intelligence and make it easier for students to read the yellow kitab.
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