Taṣmīm Ta’līm mahārah Al-Kitābah ‘Ala Ḍau’ al-Madkhal al-Bināī li al-Ṭālibah bi Qism Ta’līm al-Lugah al-Arabiyyah


  • Nurul Hidayah, M.Pd.I uin raden fatah


writing, constructivism, communication


One of the 21st century skills needed by today's students is communication skills. Communication can take place orally and in writing, but written communication does not seem to be well structured in learning, this is because this ability is considered to play less role in life, so writing learning, only ends at the exam. Though this digital generation can be well optimized in writing learning because they often interacts with various reading sources on various media platforms. For this reason, it is important that in the learning process of writing Arabic students are directed to construct a concept that is learned so that students not only well on memorization but also think creatively to make ideas related to the concept. This research aims to produce a learning design based on the constructivism approach in the Arabic Education Programme at UIN Raden Fatah. For this reason, this research uses development methods with the ADDIE model consisting of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation.The results of this study show that with a constructivism approach, students are not only able to build knowledge independently by using their reasoning and logic but also actively to construct sentences in accordance with previously understood concepts.


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