
  • Nurhaningtyas Agustin IAINU Tuban
  • Akhmad Pradana
  • Nurlaili Dina Hafni
  • Mayada Izzatun Ayun


Learning Independence, Scientific Literacy Ability, Limited Face-to-face Learning, Elementary School


The Covid-19 pandemic has triggered changes in the implementation of the education system in Indonesia, one of which is the implementation of limited face-to-face learning (TMT). To support limited face-to-face learning, students are expected to have independent learning, in addition to the existence of an independent learning curriculum that requires students to master literacy skills. One of the literacy skills is scientific literacy skills. This study aims to describe the level of student learning independence and students' scientific literacy skills in the application of the face-to-face learning system limited to the Islamic elementary school level. With this research, it is hoped that it can be used as a basis for designing learning so that independent learning and scientific literacy skills can be trained from an early age. The method in this study uses a survey type quantitative approach. The sample in this study were students of class IV MI, using a learning independence questionnaire instrument and a student's scientific literacy ability test. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistics. The results showed that the level of student learning independence was still low, namely 28%, while the scientific literacy ability of students was also low, namely 48%. One of the factors of low learning independence is influenced by the characteristics of the elementary level students themselves and students' scientific literacy skills cannot be trained immediately and must be gradual according to their level.


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