Early Childhood, Love of Local Culture, DanceAbstract
Local culture is the fruit of goodness in the form of creativity, taste, initiative from the local area as a result of human struggle against time and nature to achieve order and peace. Local culture can also be interpreted in the same way as ethnic culture. The characteristics of love with local culture are self-interest, loyalty, a sense of caring, and the highest respect for local culture. This study was conducted to find out: 1) How is the development of the character of love for local culture through class A dance at SKB Pemalang 2) What are the inhibiting factors and factors that support the development of the character of love of local culture through class A dance at SKB Pemalang? The type of research used is qualitative research. This research uses the type of research field research. The subjects are early childhood in Class A, dance coaches, parents. Data collection techniques by means of observation, interviews, and documentation as well as data analysis techniques are reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions. The result of this research is that class A dance training at SKB Pemalang has many benefits. The art of dance taught at SKB as an effort to develop the character of love for local culture in children through the preparation of several strategies including building interest in dancing in children, preparing dance learning plans according to local culture, building knowledge of traditional dance in children, varying the use of dance learning methods in children, to involve children in performances. Factors that support and hinder the art of dance in early childhood are found in each individual, parents, coaches, as well as from the existing infrastructure.
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