Theosemiotic, Da'wa Message, Islamic Communication, Symbolic InterractionAbstract
Communicating the 'Islamic Moderate Education' - as example - could not get success unless the teacher - as communicant or da’i - understood student’ religious orientation. Especially, the nowadays mad’u who can ‘freely’ access the content in their social media, where the contents – in semiotics perspective – was fully infused and surrounded with signs: whether language or designed code. Human beings fully interact with their ‘sharing’ religious signs. As our nowadays well-known religious orientation (liberal, moderate, and extreme), we must to understand: what literacies (it means all text in his daily life) does the mad’u have. How the mad’u way of thinking? What the ‘alien’ sign must be fully explained to mad’u in order to understand the idea on the moderate way of Islam? This study is limited to prove the theosemiotic as a new approach in Islamic communication field of study. With the basic assumption that human communication was contained and influenced by their symbolic interaction, this theosemiotic was proposed as a theoretical proposition to analyze – inline with the popular verse: wa mā arsalnā min rasūlin illā bilisāni qawmihī… - the mad’u need about Islam in order to draw a strategic da’wa as well as designing the right message and right interpretation of Islam; especially concerning the idea on moderate muslim.
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