Early Childhood Cognitive Development, Experimental MethodAbstract
The problem behind this research is the implementation of learning in KB Manbail Huda which is still dominant in making students the object of verbalism so that it does not provide freedom to seek deeper experiences. This study aims to improve the cognitive development of early childhood. The basis for carrying out this research is using the theory of experimental methods and the theory of children's cognitive development. This research is expected to provide answers to the formulation of the problem (1) how is the application of the experimental method in learning color recognition? (2) can the application of experiments in learning color recognition improve children's cognitive abilities?. Based on the formulation of the problem, this research aims to (1) determine the application of the experimental method in color recognition learning (2) to determine the cognitive improvement of children through the application of experimental methods in color recognition learning. This type of research uses classroom action research. Based on the research findings, it is recommended that (1) teachers should use a more creative and varied method so that children are interested and happy to participate in the activities presented by the teacher (2) for schools to be expected to pay more attention to the learning methods carried out by the teacher. especially to improve the cognitive development of early childhood. Furthermore, for other researchers, it is hoped that further research in the field of children's abilities has never been carried out.
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