The effect of the industrial revolution led directly to the phenomenon of disruptive innovation, which combines a skill system, a logical mindset, and work competitiveness, as well as the economic development principle. Pesantren (Islamic boarding schools), the underpinning for Tafaqquh Fiddin must adapt properly to community dynamics while preserving the tradition of studying Islamic studies in depth. In response to this, the present study aims to uncover the model of the kiai entrepreneur's leadership strategy at the al-Fusha Islamic boarding school in Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia in an industrial society. The study employed a qualitative method with an analytical descriptive approach. Study findings demonstrate that the Kiai’s strategy for fostering student entrepreneurial spirit was to strengthen students’ skills through human resource development, support of facilities and infrastructure in terms of economic autonomy. Likewise, the capacity mental tough personality, creativity, innovation, to manage websites and other internet-based media, business skills, clothing and culinary, business unit management, animal husbandry, commerce, savings and loans, and other economic opportunities were valued as a result of the coaching results.
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