Al-Qur'an, mathematical concepts, fast counting methodAbstract
Al-Qur'an is a holy book that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This book is special because it can be viewed from various scientific aspects, so that many researchers are inspired by the Qur'an to develop their field of knowledge. Likewise, which contains mathematical concepts, many verses of the Qur'an are directly or indirectly related to the field of mathematics. Studying the Qur'an is like studying the universe and its contents, it is endless and always brings out new things. This is the miracle of the Qur'an, the deeper you study it, the veil of knowledge will be wide open, so a vast horizon is opened to be known. Likewise, if it is associated between mathematical concepts in the Qur'an and the quick count method. The study of the implementation of mathematical concepts in the Qur'an is very important in mathematics education so that the nature of learning mathematics can be understood easily and precisely. The implementation of the mathematical concepts of the Qur'an in the fast counting method needs a stronger emphasis on understanding the nature and meaning that mathematics is part of science that can bring students closer to the creator so that mathematics can shape the character and personality of students who are thorough, accurate, calculating, careful, using the mind that was endowed by God so that they become the Ulul Albab group (people who can develop the potential of dhikr and thought to produce pious deeds).
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