state authority, relations, stability, ulamaAbstract
The relation between ulama and the state authority is an interesting study discourse, not only among classical scholars but even among contemporary scholars. The focus of study that has been very commonly applied is related to the relationship between ulama and state authority that appeared three paradigms: religion and the state as a unit, religion and the state are separate from each other, and religion and the state are interrelated. Meanwhile, the focus on how significant the influence of ulama and state authorities is on the time and dynamics of a country is often missed. Therefore, this paper will be more focus on the discussion with the research methods, namely qualitative descriptive and historical-political approaches. The result of the discussion is that the role of ulama and state authorities is very significant in the dynamics of a country. It may impact for the stability and progress, and on the other hand it can lead to stagnation and decline.
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