Role, Chairman, Reinforcement, Religious, ModerationAbstract
Understanding and intolerance between religious communities in the university environment is still very vulnerable, this is because there are still educators and and students who are influenced by extreme religious beliefs, where this understanding can affect a person's attitudes and behavior, so that it can endanger themselves and others. other. In addition, the understanding of religious teachings that are understood in an extreme way often causes friction in society and can even lead to radical acts and terrorism. In an effort to avoid friction between religious communities, radical acts and terrorism, the role of the campus chairman or rector is very important in efforts to strengthen religious moderation under his leadership. This study aims 1. to describe the role of the chairman of STIQ Walisongo in strengthening religious moderation. 2. to describe the supporting factors to describe the inhibiting factors of the chairman of STIQ walisongo in strengthening religious moderation. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods, the type of field research. The results showed that the role of the STIQ chairman in strengthening religious moderation was 1. Interpersonal Role, 2. Informational Role. 3. The decision-making role While the supporting factors of the STIQ chairman in strengthening religious moderation include: religious environment, The inhibiting factor is the lack of a financial budget for socializing activities about strengthening religious moderation at STIQ Wali Songo.
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Wawancara dengan Hartono (Ketua STIQ Wali Songo Situbondo) di Kampus STIQ Wali Songo Situbondo pada Tanggal 8 juni 2022. diakses 01-06-2022 pukul 7:45 diakses 01-06 -2022 pukul 7;58