learning transformation; online learning; students’ emotional experiences; student’ learning participation; teaching skillsAbstract
The emotional experience of students is a determining factor in learning success, but so far it has not been talked about much among teachers. The majority of teachers in different countries focus on measuring learning outcomes, not on students' emotional experiences. Online learning as a learning strategy for students has gained global acceptance that must be balanced with an increase in teacher competence. This study aims to elaborate students' perceptions of akidah akhlak (belief and moral) learning and online teaching skills with students' emotional experiences. This quantitative research research relies on questionnaire data involving 219 respondents of madrasah aliyah students in Pati, Central Java, Indonesia. The results showed that online learning is unpleasant for students, some negative emotions tend to dominate the learning experience. At the same time, the results of the study also showed negative emotions among students that tended to hinder learning. The results of this study recommend the importance of the competence and commitment of madrasah teachers in online learning to minimize the emergence of negative experiences and emotions among students, while making online learning a new style of learning culture in the industrial era 4.0.
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