Case Study of the Office of the Ministry of Religion of Batang Regency
ivorce, State Civil Apparatus, AllowanceAbstract
This study aims to determine whether the provision of teacher professional allowances and employee performance allowances can affect the divorce of the State Civil Apparatus. The research used is field research, the type of research is empirical juridical using a descriptive-qualitative research approach. The main data sources used are interviews with several teachers and employees of the State Civil Apparatus of the Ministry of Religion of Batang Regency and BP4 (Advisory Board for Marriage Development and Preservation) of the Ministry of Religion of Batang Regency which handles divorce. The secondary data source is documentation in the form of divorce divorce permit application data, data analysis uses descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the problems behind the divorce of the State Civil Apparatus at the Ministry of Religion of Batang Regency are: a) Economic problems (husband does not provide for the family), b) Disputes and quarrels, c) Domestic Violence (Domestic Violence), d) Infidelity, and e) Divorce. The provision of teacher professional allowances and employee performance allowances against divorce is not recognized as a reason for divorce . Teacher professional allowances and employee performance allowances only make teachers and employees prosperous in supporting their families.
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