Interrelation, Islam, Javanese CultureAbstract
This research was conducted to analyze the relationship between Islam as a newcomer religion and local culture that already existed in Indonesia. This research uses an ethnographic qualitative approach because it will examine the cultural actors of a particular community. The data is sourced from emic data and ethical data. Emic data were obtained through interviews with community leaders or local cultural actors. And ethical data is the researcher's interpretation of the previous concepts. Data were obtained using interviews, field observations and triangulation. The data that has been collected is then analyzed by reducing, presenting and conclusions using cultural theme analysis techniques. This research found that the process of interrelation between Islam and Javanese culture through two methods, namely the method of acculturation and assimilation. As a result of the acculturation and assimilation of Islam and Javanese culture, Javanese Islamic cultural values were born. In this Javanese Islamic cultural value, there are living institutions and the life of the people who support the culture itself, which does not completely eliminate Javanese culture but does not conflict with Islamic teachings. It is hoped that the results of this research can be used as a reference for other researchers who will conduct similar research. And the results of this research are also expected to eliminate the syncretization between Islam and previous cultures that are not in accordance with Islamic teachings. And the results of this research hopefully can minimize the "tension" between modernist Islamic groups and traditionalist Islamic groups.
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- 2022-09-12 (2)
- 2022-07-26 (1)