
  • Zuhair Abdullah IAIN Pekalongan
  • Tresia Istiqomah IAIN Pekalongan
  • Ratna Sari IAIN Pekalongan


Learning Strategy, Neuroscience , Biology Science, Elementary School


Neuroscience is the study of nerves or the brain. Effective learning is certainly learning that adapts to the characteristics of how the brain works. Therefore, this study aims to: 1). uncover learning strategies that match the characteristics of the brain; and 2). identify neuroscience-based learning strategies in Biology science learning in elementary schools. This research is a literature study research. Data analysis was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner. The results of this study are: 1). neuroscience-based learning strategy includes three components, first, orchestrated immersion, namely creating a learning environment that fully engages students in the learning experience; second, relaxed alertness, namely trying to eliminate fear in students, while still maintaining a challenging environment; third, active processing, namely by conditioning students to be able to internalize information by actively processing it. 2). In Biology science learning, the orchestrated immersion component can be implemented by providing apperception or brainstorming that touches emotions, and generates a challenging sense of thinking, for example by conveying scary things such as diseases caused by not taking care of the health of the body's organs, conveying the latest technologies, or convey the benefits that will be obtained when studying the biological material to be delivered; the relaxed alertness component can be implemented using the singing method or playing games on Biology science material; and the active processing component can be implemented with active learning strategies on analytical and problematic materials to be actively discussed by students, for example, in materials related to the environment.


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