Gamification in Da’wah: Conceptual and Practical Studies


  • Arditya Prayogi IAIN Pekalongan
  • M. Ali Ghufron IAIN Pekalongan
  • Widodo Hami IAIN Pekalongan


Gamification, Da'wah, Study, Method


Da'wah studies are currently growing rapidly by using a variety of technology-based media. It is no longer relevant if the study of da'wah is just following the study by coming to the Science Council. The da'i/preachers have a variety of creative ways as well as of course interesting, fun and educative to relieve boredom and boredom that sometimes hits in da'wah studies, especially if it is devoted to children or teenagers whose thoughts are limitless and out of the way. box. Various methods of innovation in the delivery of da'wah have been introduced to make da'wah materials have an impact on the object of da'wah/mad'u. One method that is currently receiving attention is the gamification method. Gamification is simply a way or approach to using game elements to solve problems other than games. The question is whether this gamification method can (and is suitable) to be used in the delivery of Islamic da'wah. Thus, this article aims to identify the method of gamification in relation to it as one of the methods in the delivery of Islamic da'wah today both theoretically and practically. This research uses a qualitative study approach with data processing methods carried out by means of literature studies. Various existing data were analyzed using content analysis method. This article finds that gamification is one of the da'wah methods that can be used today. Da'wah by using gamification can provide an alternative delivery of da'wah material/content, becoming more interesting, fun and effective. Even though using game mechanics, applying gamification does not always have to make a game – even though it is identical to (video) games, but what is important is how to make the da'wah process (delivery of da'wah material) more fun and can build bonds with (or without) being realized by the perpetrators. da'wah.


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