PATZOO, Online AssessmentAbstract
During the Covid-19 pandemic, students had not been able to carry out the face-to-face assessment process from May - to June 2021. Institutions need to make policy innovations so that the student year-end assessment process can still be carried out. Therefore, an online-based assessment is necessary. This study aims to describe the PATZOO system in shaping the integrity of students in the assessment process during the pandemic, especially in the End of Year Assessment (PAT). This research used a descriptive qualitative method. The participants of this research were the principal and Islamic Education Teachers of Darul Ulum 2 Jombang Senior High School. The data were gained from semi-structured interviews and documentation. The interviews were both online and offline. The result showed that PATZOO became a solution in assessment for online tests. Moreover, it also could shape the students’ honesty. However, there were several challenges in implementing PATZOO for an online test. The challenges were related to the stability of internet connections, electrical problems, and the lack of digital skills of the students. This research was limited to the implementation of PATZOO for an online test. It is suggested to explore the students’ perceptions of using PATZOO for further research.
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