
  • Muhamad Jaeni IAIN Pekalongan
  • Moh. Nurul Huda IAIN Pekalongan


Epistemology, Ibn Rusyd, Islamic Knowledge Development


This study aimed to describe the epistemology of Ibn Rusyd in the development of Islamic science in the future. This research used Library Research to analyzes the works of Ibn Rusyd from its epistemological aspect. These were the  results of this. First, Ibn Rusyd tried to offer a new epistemological model that combined the three comprehensive ways of thinking, namely idealism, rationalism, and empiricism. Ibn Rusyd also determined that the element of revelation as one of the foundations and sources of knowledge. Second, Ibn Rusyd's critique of Al-Ghazali's way of thinking and the philosophical thoughts of previous philosophers, and tried to offer new thoughts, may be understood as a critical way of thinking that must be carried out by Muslim scientists. Third, the efforts that have been shown by Ibn Rusyd through his critical thinking towards previous thoughts (especially Al-Ghazali), was a positive step in initiating an open and objective attitude in viewing a product of thought. Until now, the attitude of justification for past thoughts was still carried out by most Muslim scientists or scholars without wanted to try to criticize them, so that the development of Islamic science was stagnant.


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