
  • Ijudin Universitas Garut
  • Kholifah Al-Faruq Fathurrohman Universitas Garut
  • Nenden Munawaroh Universitas Garut


pareto principle, quality learning, i'rob


This study aims to determine the application of the pareto principle in improving the quality of santri learning in understanding I'rob at Darul Muwahhidin Islamic Boarding School Tarogong Kidul Garut. The method used in this research is quantitative type Quasi Experimental Design. The results showed that the application of the pareto principle was tested for validity and reliability. The questionnaire of the students' understanding of i'rab has 20 statement items categorized as valid with a score of 0.54. The experimental class pretest normality test results were 68 and the control class was 64. The experimental class posttest normality test results obtained a score of 87 and a control class of 82. Hypothesis testing shows that the t value is not between the t table, namely -9.7 < 2.09. This shows that the pareto principle can improve the quality of santri learning in understanding I'rob. Thus, the findings of this study will support the innovation of learning principles more effectively in Islamic boarding schools and Islamic education institutions in general.


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