
  • Yoga Laksana Pamungkas Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar
  • Mohammad Arifin Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar
  • Inneke Silvya Anggraini Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar


Tolerance, Harmonization, Religious Moderation


The family is the smallest group in society which is the main focus for creating a safe, peaceful and peaceful country. Harmony is the ideals, hopes and goals of forming a family. A harmonious family must be based on an attitude of mutual respect, mutual respect and acceptance of each other's differences of opinion. Tolerance refers to an attitude that does not impose one's will, does not criticize, and does not despise other people because of their differences. Everyone definitely has differences, so having an approach to religious moderation within the family will provide a balanced foundation. This article explains how to strengthen tolerance and harmony in the family through the concept of religious moderation which can be done with several strategies. With the concept of religious moderation such as tawassuth, tawazun, I'tidal, tasamuh, and musawah which are the main milestones in realizing a harmonious family. If these values ​​of religious moderation are applied in family life, it will make it easier to create a harmonious family. Internalizing and adopting the value of religious moderation in the family can build a strong foundation, create a harmonious environment, and prevent cases of non-harmonious families (broken homes) which have the potential to damage family life and society as a whole.


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