
  • Ayu Festian Larasati UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
  • Muhammad Yusuf UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta


Shopee;Hadits, Social Media


In today's digital era, social media and e-commerce platforms such as Shopee have become an integral part of people's lives, including in the dissemination of the Prophet's hadith as a guideline for Muslims. This study aims to understand the transfiguration of the function of Shopee e-commerce social media as a medium for spreading the Prophet's hadith. This research uses a qualitative approach with a focus on Alkaff Moslem Store Account as a case study, which uses hadith in their product descriptions on Shopee. The results showed that the transfiguration of Shopee's function as a medium for spreading hadith occurred through the insertion of hadith in product descriptions, with the aim of conveying religious messages to consumers. The use of this hadith has been proven to increase interest and sales of products, because it gives an Islamic impression to the products offered. This research illustrates how social media and e-commerce can be an effective means of disseminating and applying religious values in everyday life, and identifies the importance of a deep understanding of the function and context of hadith in today's digital context.


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