
  • Agustian Ramadana Putera STIPI Maghfirah Bina Umat
  • Nur Azizah Amalia Munawar STIPI Maghfirah Bina Umat
  • Qurratul Ayuni STIPI Maghfirah Bina Umat


Islamic Education, Supervision, Principal


This inquiry was driven by misunderstandings occurring in plenty of supervision practices in Indonesia. Supervision is still perceived as cataloging teacher faults and inequality of power between teachers and supervisors. Disappointingly, as the largest Muslim country, Islamic Principles have not been fully incorporated into supervision practices whereas all the guidance is ideally provided. This paper aims to explore to what extent Islam can nuance supervision to ensure that its essence is not harmed. This research employed journals and books to discover the newest trend of research in Islamic Supervision and enriched it by citing verses of the Quran and prophetic tradition (Hadis) as primary data by accessing some interpretation books (Kitab al-Tafsir) and prophetic tradition books (Kitab al-hadis). The data were collected through several ways including sorting, organizing, and editing. The document analysis disclosed that either the supervisors or teachers can embrace the Islamic framework while conducting supervision. The values such as fairness (Adl), transparency (Shura), respect (Ihtiram), and supportiveness belong to the supervisor, meanwhile, teachers have to uphold professionalism, a growth mindset, and collaboration (Syirkah) as a rule of conduct


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