
  • siti nisrofah efa UIN KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • ahmad taufiq


Spiritual Education, Tariqoh, and Lajnah Wathonah


Modern challenges such as hedonism, dehumanization, social disintegration, consumptive culture, and alienation are the result of the dryness of spiritual values. Therefore, it is necessary to fortify oneself through thariqoh-based spiritual education. In accordance with this study which aims to describe systematically the process of actualizing thariqoh-based spiritual education at Lajnah Wathonah Pekalongan. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The data collection techniques used include interviews, observation, and documentation. Primary data in this study comes from the interview process with the chairman and several congregations of Lajnah Wathonah Pekalongan. Meanwhile, secondary data was obtained from direct observation and literature sources relevant to the research topic. Data analysis techniques go through three stages, namely data condensation, data presentation, conclusion drawing, and verification. The results of this study indicate that thariqoh-based spiritual education at Lajnah Wathonah Pekalongan is oriented towards the values of nationalism, equality, humility, ihsan, sincerity, and having meaning in life. Every congregation, both those who have paid allegiance and those who have not, can feel these spiritual values if they practice the recitation of thariqoh dhikr istiqomah based on the provisions given by the murshid in accordance with the type of thariqoh used, namely thariqoh Syadhziliyyah.


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