
  • Fajar Dwi Noviantoro UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
  • Haryani Santo Hartono International Open University, Gambia


reconstruction, religious moderation, conflict resolution


Religion is an aspect that cannot be separated from human life. A moderate attitude in religion is a vital element in being able to build an advanced civilization, especially in a pluralistic country like Indonesia. This research aims to explain the moderate spirit of Muslim scientists in resolving conflicts between religious communities and their urgency in building an advanced Indonesian civilization. This research methodology uses a literature review by analyzing the progress of the spirit of classical Islamic civilization (6-11 AD) in the perspective of Fazlur Rahman's double movement theory. The results of the research provide details on the meaning of the moderate spirit of the Abbasid era during the leadership of the caliphs Harun Al-Rasyid and Al Ma'mun. The progress of civilization in that era was motivated by the attitude of scientists who were open to learning from other (non-Muslim) countries or civilizations. This spirit is the key to building progressive and harmonious interactions by accepting each other regardless of ethnic, racial and religious background. Apart from that, this research also provides an overview of the concept of moderation in Islam, especially within the NISWA (Islam Washatiyyah) frame. The moderate attitude and spirit in religion as exemplified by Muslim scientists in the past is important to bring into the context of the current era. So that we can create a progressive Islamic generation with the courage to be open and pro-active in collaborating with anyone for the benefit and progress of the Indonesian nation. The success of implementing this attitude of religious moderation lies in the awareness of every religious community to work together in creating peace by building a multicultural intellectual culture.


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