Application of educational game learning methods at Muhammadiyah Wuled Elementary School


  • Citra Dwi Safitri UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Wirdad Hifa
  • Sofya Marsa Khoirunnisa
  • Azmi Irbah Syahira
  • Dina Kamila Izzatillah
  • Fatmawati Nur Hasanah


The research is based on different student learning achievements, there are students who easily understand their learning and there are also students who are slow to understand the material, therefore in accordance with the author's research by applying the question and answer method and collaborating with the "learning" method. educational games" students will participate and be active in the learning process so that the class atmosphere becomes lively and fun, because every student will definitely enjoy hearing the word play and students who have delays in learning will also be active in these educational games. By using this method, teachers can prepare questions and students are expected to answer. So teachers can create games in their learning so that students can easily accept the material that has been delivered. This research discusses the learning methods applied by teachers to students with the aim of making it easier for teachers in the teaching and learning process at SD Muhamadiyah Wuled. Learning methods also influence students' learning motivation, therefore teachers can develop their creativity in choosing learning media. This research uses a qualitative method by understanding a research subject descriptively based on interviews with Mrs. Devi, one of the subject teachers at SD Muhammadiyah Wuled, observations and the author's experience. The results of this research show that there is a big influence on an effective learning process with learning strategies using educational game methods, especially the talking stick game learning model, which can help students improve their speaking, listening and respecting their friends' opinions in discussions and can create a positive learning experience pleasant.


