
  • Afriansyah IAIN Metro Lampung
  • J. Sutarjo IAIN Metro Lampung


applying the inquiry learning method, Learning Outcomes, Arabic language lessons


The primary goal of providing education is to graduate sincere students devoted to God Almighty, possessing knowledge, technology, and good morals. Apart from that, it is also able to produce graduate students who can keep up with current developments so that they can live independently in daily life. The formulation of the problem of this thesis is: How to apply the inquiry learning method to improve learning outcomes in Arabic language subjects for the tenth grade MAN 1 Way Kanan for the academic year 2022/2023. The focus of the problem in this research is: Would you like to know the extent to which the inquiry learning method is applied in improving learning outcomes in Arabic subjects at MAN 1 Way Kanan School? The aim of this research is to determine the extent to which the inquiry learning method is applied in improving the learning outcomes of Arabic language subjects for X MAN 1 Way Kanan.

The method used to collect data in this research is observation, interviews, and documentation, and the type of method used by the researcher is the case study method. In analyzing the data obtained, the researcher uses qualitative analysis, which is a research method used to examine the natural state of the organism (as opposed to experimental), where the researcher is the main tool, and data collection techniques are implemented in a triangular (aggregated) manner, and data analysis is inductive, and emphasizes Results of qualitative research on meaning instead. From the generalization.

The findings of field research are that there are still teachers who teach monotonously and orally, there is still a decline in students’ educational achievement, and there are still students who are not proficient in reading and writing the Holy Quran, which makes the process of learning the Arabic language difficult. The result of this research is that it is known that the inquiry learning model is able to improve the educational achievement of students in Arabic language lessons. In other words, students' achievement in learning Arabic becomes better through the inquiry learning process. It can be seen from data derived from observations and documentation, as well as the results of interviews with researchers, that educational achievement in Arabic language subjects is high.


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