The Role of Understanding Child Psychology in Improving Student Learning Achievement: A Literature Review


  • Kardina Engelina Siregar STAI Imam Asy Syafii Pekanbaru


Understanding Child Psychology, Student Learning Achievement


Understanding child psychology is an important aspect for parents in supporting their children's development and learning achievement. This study aims to explore the urgency of understanding child psychology for parents in the context of improving student learning achievement. Through a comprehensive literature review, this article presents an analysis of the importance of understanding child psychology in creating a supportive learning environment, understanding children's individual needs, and implementing approach strategies that are appropriate to the child's developmental stage. The results of the literature review show that a good understanding of child psychology can help parents build healthy relationships with their children, support learning motivation, manage stress, and identify and overcome possible learning obstacles. The practical implication of this research is the importance of providing information and support to parents in understanding children's psychological aspects in order to support optimal learning development and achievement for students.


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