
  • Salafudin IAIN Pekalongan
  • Nalim Nalim IAIN Pekalongan diaudit mulai
  • Aris Nurkhamidi IAIN PEKALONGAN
  • M. Sugeng Sholehuddin IAIN PEKALONGAN


This study aims to examine the readiness of education infrastructure in the Central Java Provincial Government, analyze the problems faced in the practice of Distance Learning during the pandemic and find out what infrastructure is urgently needed for the implementation of Distance Learning during the pandemic.

The location of this research is a school in Central Java Province by taking a proportional sample. The sample in this study were 26 schools from 14 districts/cities in Central Java Province. Data collection was obtained by interview and observation techniques. To obtain more in-depth information, the research has also conducted Focus Group Discussions involving practitioners, academics and education policy makers.

This study concludes that the implementation of distance learning in schools in Central Java Province can already be implemented, with several obstacles, ranging from limited information technology facilities for learning owned by schools, limited communication tools for students, obstacles to accessing learning resources, boredom experienced by students. , the achievement of learning outcomes that are not optimal, and also the limitations of teachers mastering information technology, the use of media and distance learning strategies. Research also shows that schools and teachers have made efforts to minimize distance learning obstacles, including by adding distance learning infrastructure, strengthening teacher resources through training. However, there are still many improvements to the distance learning management system, communication and collaboration models with schools, efforts to reduce student saturation levels and optimization of learning, especially in learning the affective and psychomotor domains.


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